Easy Steps

Enrolment Process

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Come & Tour Our Centre

We invite you to take a tour of our centre and meet our amazing staff. Once you have decided that Playbright is the right Early Learning Centre for your family, you can secure your position by providing a $300 bond per child. This ensures your spot, and you will then be invited to complete your enrolment form online.


Complete Enrolment Form

Our Centre Director will be more than happy to assist you with any questions you might have related to completing the enrolment process. Feel free to seek guidance to ensure a smooth enrolment experience.


Complete Enrolment & Orient

Complete the enrolment process, and once done, we will invite you to arrange orientation days for your child. During these days, your child will meet their educators and become familiar with our Centre, facilitating a comfortable transition into the new environment.


Apply for CCS

Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is a means-tested subsidy paid directly to Playbright, reducing daily fees. Complete the CCS application before commencing enrolment to minimize delays. If not finalized or if you don't meet eligibility, full fees apply until Centrelink confirmation. Contact our Centre Director or the Family Assistance Office at 13 61 50 for assistance.

Start Your Enrolment Now
A happy crawling snail